24th May 2019

The Narcissistic Twin Flame Dynamic

I’ve spoken with many Twin Flames who have experienced challenging situations with their Divine Counterpart and the truth is no ones journey is easy. Within this article, I am going to speak with you about the Twin Flame relationship and narcissistic tendencies you may experience on this journey. What I will say before I get started though, is that your Twin Flame relationship is not abusive and nor should you accept abuse from anyone. A […]
14th June 2019

Narcissism and it’s Role on Your Spiritual Journey

Narcissism is something many people experience in their lives and when someone enters your life with Narcissistic Personality Disorder it can literally turn your life upside down. This can have a massive impact on yourself, your family and even your friends. When it comes to your Spiritual Journey, they can be an essential part of your spiritual growth and ascension process. Today within this article, I am going to speak about Narcissism and the Role […]