Within the Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions we delve deep into your Soul to Uncover who you truly are as you begin living in alignment with your Soul essence. We explore your conditioning and Ego as we discover what has shaped you into the person you are today, this will assist you with breaking free from old patterns that no longer serve you. We will shine a light on your Shadow and the wounds within so you can learn to love some of those unloved aspects of yourself once more. This will assist you in the process of bringing your Soul into alignment and you become whole and at one with yourself.
These sessions are unique and bespoke for you as an individual as we explore your current life situation and work towards living a Soul Aligned life. The premise of these sessions are to help you "Disconnect from Your Mind to Reconnect with Your Soul"
My role with the Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions is to guide and support you on your Spiritual Journey to assist you with healing your wounds within. Using tools and techniques from Shamanism, we will delve deep within your Shadow so you can begin loving the wholness and beauty of who you are. Healing your Shadow can no doubt feel daunting at times which is why I take a gentle yet loving approach to healing and reintegrating these aspects within. Within these session, I will use traditional healing techniques from Shamanism such as Soul Retreival, Illumination, Anscestral Healing and Many Others.
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of the light, but making the darkness conscious" - Carl Jung
These sessions are also used to guide you on your spiritual journey of bringing your Soul into alignment as you realign your Mind, Body and Soul. We will identify conditions and patterns of the Ego that no longer so you can break free to embrace your Soul calling. We will explore your unconscious Self by connecting you with your values, motivations and human drivers. We will then delve deep into your Shadow to heal your wounds as you bring the darkness to light. Within these sessions, I don't give you answers but help you to find the answers within yourself so that you are able to Awaken Your Soul from Within!
All sessions are bespoke to you as an individual as we focus on your life and situation. I use tools from shamanism and hypnotherapy along with numerous other techniques to restore balance and harmony in your life whilst guiding you on your Soul Pathway. Though I have a structured approach to my mentoring sessions, I work in very much in an intuitive way as I tune into you as an individual
Contact Me Personally at andy@awakenyoursoulpathway.co.uk to book your session or your the calendar below to schedule time: