Awaken Your Soul Pathway Podcast - Spiritual Stories for Awakening
Tune in to our Soul Pathway podcast where you will receive spiritual insights and wisdom from coaches, therapists and thought leaders from around the world. We will share people's Spiritual Journey and Soul Pathway, bring on experts to speak about Spirituality, Healing, Mental Health and Much More. You can also listen to our podcast on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and also on many of the other major stations, you can find links to them below:29th May 2021
Within this weeks podcast we speak with Becky Zal-Sanchez about Shifting from Religion to Spirituality and Awakening to Divine Love. Becky has experienced some deep conditioning from Religion which has caused a detrimental impact on her mental health within this show she shares her journey and story as she has embraced divine love. There are many insightful messages here as you awaken to your own spirituality. I hope you all find it valuable ❤ You […]
21st May 2021
Within this podcast I had the pleasure to speak with Dez about his work with Psycho-sensory healing. He also spoke about his incredible work of using EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Havening to reprogram the mind a heal from trauma. The Havening Techniques are a healing modality that is designed to help individuals overcome problems that are the consequence of traumatic encoding. The Havening Techniques belong to a larger group of methods called psycho-sensory therapies, […]
14th May 2021
On this weeks podcast I speak with Chris Roberts about Men Masculinity and Honoring Your Emotions. We both felt it was a time to approach this subject with some sensitivity and care whilst standing in our truth as men. Much has been spoken about toxic masculinity which is not doubt a challenge though we also wanted to share the impact this has on men. This maybe triggering for some of you so please be conscious […]
3rd May 2021
Within this weeks podcast I speak with Sarah Adams about Ancient civilizations and the Birthing of the New World. With all the shifts and changes we are experiencing in the world right now, these insights are valuable as we step into the age of aquarius. You can find out more about Sarah below: Sarah has experienced many things from seeing abductions to seeing angels who aided her. Her awakened consciousness increased as she got older. […]
27th April 2021
Casca has been working with energy and practising mindfulness for more than twenty years. Having a background in education and mental health enables her to confidently support people of all ages and backgrounds. She was born in South Africa, which had a profound effect on her natural ability to connect to Mother Earth and nature. Working with the energy of our planet is hugely beneficial for our own healing as well as working with the […]
9th April 2021
Within this podcast, we speak about the Light on Healing through Yoga & Yoga for the Soul with Veronique Tsui. Veronique Tsui started her yoga journey in 2000 and a certified Senior Yoga Teacher since 2002. Her challenging health issues in the past has been a divine catalyst for her Soul growth and transformation through the healing of Yoga. She is also a Sekhem energy, crystal and sound healer. Her recent practice is a […]