How to Rest when your Soul is Tired…

Often we can become stressed and overwhelmed by the external world around us and even the world within us, so much so that our Soul becomes tired. During this time, you may notice that no amount of sleep will help you to recharge your batteries. Therefore, within this article I will be sharing some of my strategies to support you when you are overwhelmed so that you can realign your Mind, Body and Soul.

Personally I have found that my Soul becomes tired when I have overworked and I am not doing things to nourish my Soul, at other times it can be when I am out of alignment and I am not listening to my Soul voice. Sometimes, it can be as simple as surrounding yourself with people who maybe toxic for you and drain your energy. Regardless of the reasons, there are many simple and effective ways to rest and recharge, so let me share them with you here:

  1. Using Crystals – Connecting with the crystals can help you realign your chakras. It’s always advisable to leave your crystals out in a bowl of water when it’s a full moon, this will recharge them and support you with your healing.
  2. Meditation – Meditation can be the ideal way to disconnect from the busyness of your mind so that you can reconnect with your Soul. It’s essential for you to take some time out of life every so often and what better way to do that than to meditate.
  3. Spending Time in Nature – Take a long walk in nature and plant your feet on the ground as you connect with mother earth. Release any worries you may have and allow mother earth to nurture you with unconditional love.
  4. Have a Relaxing Bath – Relax and bathe in a Salt Bath as you allow the water to cleanse you. Put on your favourite piece of music and tune out for a moment as you reconnect with yourself. Epsom Salt Baths can be a great way to detox you body while relaxing, you and also add some hemp to assist you further.
  5. Cleanse in the Shower – This is slightly different than having a bath as you allow the water to cleanse you as it washes over you.
  6. Connect with your Soul Tribe – One of the best ways to recharge is to spend time with people who are on the same wavelength as you. You will naturally connect with them and everything will feel effortless. When you spend your time with toxic people, it can seem as though they are draining you as you are often seeking to fulfil their needs. Put yourself first and surround yourself with people who you vibe with as they will be your tribe.

I hope you have found this to be valuable. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below…

Take care and much love to you all ☺️❤🙌

Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions

Within the Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions we delve deep into your Soul to Uncover who you truly are as you begin living in alignment with your Soul essence. We explore your conditioning and Ego as we discover what has shaped you into the person you are today, this will assist you with breaking free from old patterns that no longer serve you. We will shine a light on your Shadow and the wounds within so you can learn to love some of those unloved aspects of yourself once more.. - More Information

Andy Brine
Andy Brine
Andy Brine is a Mentor and Guide who helps people connect with their spiritual journey as they awaken to who they really are. He developed The Soul Pathway as an evolution from the work of Joseph Campbell in order to assist people in understanding themselves at a deeper level. Though our journey is not linear, this process provides a roadmap for connecting with it from the human experience. Andy has an "Awaken Your Soul Pathway" app available on Android and online. He also has numerous courses on Udemy: Archetypes for Life, Honouring and Healing Your Shadow, Awaken Your Inner Warrior: Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Within, and The Journey of Divine Love for Soulmates and Twin Flames. Andy offers online sessions for mentoring and healing, as well as spiritual workshops. More Info