Defamation of Character and Defending Yourself with Love…

Defamation of Character and Defending Yourself with Love...

“Whatever defamation of character my enemies are spreading about me, I do not feel the need to justify myself toward them. While discretion obliges me to remain silent, my duty compels me to prevent them from doing any more harm.” – Toussaint Louverture

Over the years I have experienced defamation of character both personally and professionally. Previously, I would have been the person to stay silent for speaking out would only cause more confilct. Upon reflection, I have realised that staying slient only causes more damage and a potential further defamation of character.

Going through these experiences can be challenging to say the least. You don’t know who to trust as you are unaware of how far the lies go. More often than not it’s not only those who spread the lies but also those who share in the deceit. They are in many ways just as culpable as those who lie in the first place.

Many years ago, I interviewed coaches and therapists in my area, and became well known for it. People loved what I did and my reputation was in high standing. During this time, I went to Spain to do a video project for people I regarded as friends. They were also well connected with the same network as myself. When I returned home, they shared some insidious lies about about me. Over night, my image went from one of loving, caring and respected to low and villinous.

The reality is that I have had numerous experiences like this and more often than not they come from so called “friends”. These people either have deep insecurities, jealousy or are just not very respectful at all. The reason I am sharing this is not for sympathy but to share my insights from having gone through this…

Staying silent within these situations will only causes you more pain and in fact it becomes self inflicted. By you not speaking out and sharing the truth, you are allowing their behavour to continue, and in turn your reputation to be tarnished further. It will eat away at you from the inside as you loose trust and faith in those around you. So it is essential for you to share your story and speak the truth out of love and concern for yourself!

As I move forward with these lessons, I will choose to stand my ground and speak with love and integrity. No longer will I stay silent within these situations, I will instead choose to be loud and proud for the truth will set me free as it does you!

Note: This is not an eye for an eye for that only makes us both blind! This is you speaking out of love to defend and protect your character. Take care of yourself and always make sure to act with honesty and integrity.

Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions

Within the Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions we delve deep into your Soul to Uncover who you truly are as you begin living in alignment with your Soul essence. We explore your conditioning and Ego as we discover what has shaped you into the person you are today, this will assist you with breaking free from old patterns that no longer serve you. We will shine a light on your Shadow and the wounds within so you can learn to love some of those unloved aspects of yourself once more.. - More Information

Andy Brine
Andy Brine
Andy Brine is a Mentor and Guide who helps people connect with their spiritual journey as they awaken to who they really are. He developed The Soul Pathway as an evolution from the work of Joseph Campbell in order to assist people in understanding themselves at a deeper level. Though our journey is not linear, this process provides a roadmap for connecting with it from the human experience. Andy has an "Awaken Your Soul Pathway" app available on Android and online. He also has numerous courses on Udemy: Archetypes for Life, Honouring and Healing Your Shadow, Awaken Your Inner Warrior: Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Within, and The Journey of Divine Love for Soulmates and Twin Flames. Andy offers online sessions for mentoring and healing, as well as spiritual workshops. More Info