Soul Pathway Mentor, Healer and Guide
Andy Brine is a Mentor, Healer, and Guide who helps people connect with their spiritual journey as they awaken to who they really are. He developed The Soul Pathway as an evolution from the work of Joseph Campbell in order to assist people in understanding themselves at a deeper level. Though our journey is not linear, this process provides a roadmap for connecting with it from the human experience. Andy has an "Awaken Your Soul Pathway" app available on Android and online. He also has numerous courses on available: Archetypes for Life: Connect with your Inner World & Transform your Outer World, Honouring and Healing Your Shadow: Shift from Darkness to Light, Awaken Your Inner Warrior: Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Within, and The Journey of Divine Love: For Soulmates and Twin Flames. Andy offers online sessions for mentoring and healing, as well as spiritual workshops.
You can read here story here: My Journey and Story
As an individual he is passionate about Shamanism and Shamanic Practise, and has been on numerous courses for shamanism and applies these principles to his work. He is a man that lives between the two worlds, both the spiritual and the physical, and loves to connect with nature as well as the animals. Though he has a structured approach to his work, he very much works intuitively with his clients as he provides mentoring, coaching and healing. It is his goal to bring practicality to spirituality so that you are able to apply the strategies he shares directly to your life and situation. You can find out more about his qualifications below...
Certifications and Qualifications:
- Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
- Shamanic Life Coach Accreditation
- Shamanic Healing and Practitioner
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Time Line Therapy TM
- Professional & Professional Coaching
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Reiki and Energy Healing
- Competent Communication and Leadership Skills
- Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
If you would like any personal support on your spiritual journey and soul pathway, feel free to reach out to me via my Contact Page.