The Soul Pathway - Your Spiritual Journey to Wholeness and Unification

What we do at The Soul Pathway...
Life can be challenging, especially when awakening on your spiritual journey. Aspects of your Soul are revealed to you as your wounds become exposed. At The Soul Pathway, I provide Mentoring and Healing to assist you with resolving your deep wounds from within. Nowadays I regard myself as a Shadow-worker as I help people to Love, Honor and Accept their Shadow as they bring it into the Light. Healing your Shadow can no doubt feel daunting at times which is why I take a gentle yet loving approach to healing and reintegrating these aspects within.
My role is to assist you with disconnecting from your mind to reconnect with your heart and soul. I am a personal believer that your Shadow is the pathway to Unconditional Self Love and Acceptance. Using tools from Shamanism, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy TM and other Healing Modalities I guide you on your Spiritual Journey to Wholeness and Unification as you bring your Shadow back into Alignment.
About Andy Brine and The Soul Pathway

Andy Brine is a Mentor and Guide who helps people connect with their spiritual journey as they awaken to who they really are. He developed The Soul Pathway as an evolution from the work of Joseph Campbell in order to assist people in understanding themselves at a deeper level. Though our journey is not linear, this process provides a roadmap for connecting with it from the human experience. Andy has an "Awaken Your Soul Pathway" app available on Android and online. He also has numerous courses on available: Archetypes for Life, Honouring and Healing Your Shadow, Awaken Your Inner Warrior: Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Within, and The Journey of Divine Love for Soulmates and Twin Flames. Andy offers online sessions for mentoring and healing, as well as spiritual workshops.
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Online Courses Available

The Journey of Divine Love
For Soulmates and Twin Flames
Designed to support Soul Mates and Twin Flames as they Disconnect from their Mind to Re-Connect with their Heart whilst embracing with the Journey of Divine Love.
- Learn How to Navigate a Soul Mate or Twin Flame Relationship
- Connect with Your Soulmate or Twin Flame on a Deeper Level

Awaken Your Inner Warrior
Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Within
This course is for conscious and awakened men and women who are striving to bring balance and harmony to their masculine and feminine within.
- Embrace your Masculine and Feminine aspects in order to become into Union with your Soul
- Learn how to Create Balance and Harmony Within.

Archetypes for Life
Your Pathway to Spiritual Awakening
During this course we will explore your Soul Pathway and the 12 Archetypes you live by. Gain a deeper understanding of your inner world with Archetypes.
- Learn How to Identify Your Dominant Archetypes
- Connect with Your Inner World and Transform Your Outer World

Honour & Heal Your Shadow
Shifting from Darkness to Light
Within this course we will explore your Shadow as you transform it from Darkness to Light. You will be able identify Shadow aspects within and begin healing...
- Understand your Shadow as you connect with your Soul.
- Reintegrate Aspects of Your Shadow and you Create Wholeness and Unification Within